ABUS 88/40 Disc Detainer Lock


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This is the ABUS 88/40 Disc Detainer Lock

It is a 40 mm padlock weighing 208 grams. So the lock is pretty heavy and a vise is highly recommended for this reason.

ABUS has given this lock a security level of 7.

This lock is different from most locks you would normally lockpick. This is because it is not a pin cylinder lock, but a plate cylinder.

The difference is that you cannot open this lock with a usual lockpick set. You will need a Disc Detainer Pick for this.

The special Disc Detainer Pick for ABUS locks can be ordered online from us.

Do you like adding some karate flair to your lockpick collection? In that case, Reddit will give you the red belt (rank 8), if you can open this lock with your homemade Disc Detainer Pick. If you open the lock with our Disc Detainer Pick, the brown band (rank 7) is one band lower.

SPOILER: After the first dial, the ABUS 88/40 contains eight dials that you have to place.

Additional information

Weight 6 kg
